Ever wondered how you can assist your child while they’re reading without just telling them what the word is?
Here’s a few tips with specific questions you can ask!
If the longer word has prefixes and suffixes (beginning and ending parts), FIRST ask the student to find the base word. The word is REFINISHING: Parent: “Do you see a real base word inside this word?” Child: “Finish” Parent: “Great! Now, add on the prefix and suffix and say the whole word.”
If the word does not have prefixes and suffixes, The word is MAGNETIC: Parent: “What would just the FIRST syllable say? Child: “Mag” Parent: “Okay, now tell me just the SECOND syllable” Child: “Net” Parent: “And the last one?” Child: “ic” Parent: “Now say each one all together to figure out that word.” Do not have them sound out a 6 or 8 or 10-letter word by doing it sound by sound and then expect them to remember all the sounds and blend it together correctly into a word. Do it by syllable!
If the word has a silent e (sometimes called magic e), The word is BROKE: Parent: “I see a silent-e at the end of this word. What is it doing to the O?” Child: “Making it say “Ohhhh…” Parent: “Perfect! Now start with the /b/ sound and say each sound for me but Don’t say the e at the end since it’s silent.” Child: “/b/ /r/ /ohhh/ /k/ broke!”
If your child is NOT being exposed to this kind of language for their literacy time and/or intervention time at school, or during tutoring, this will not be successful at home.
If they have dyslexia, they need to be learning this way of breaking apart words. Please CONTACT US or give us a call at 970-460-6771 if you need tutoring for your child or for yourself!